class DragonSkeleton::Pathfinding::AStar

Pathfinder using the A* algorithm.

Public Class Methods

new(graph, heuristic:) click to toggle source

Creates a new A* pathfinder with the given graph and heuristic.


The graph to search. See the explanation in Pathfinding for more details about the data structure.


A proc that takes two nodes and returns the heuristic value. Commonly used distance functions are defined as constants in Pathfinding (e.g. Pathfinding::MANHATTAN_DISTANCE).

# File lib/dragon_skeleton/pathfinding/a_star.rb, line 12
def initialize(graph, heuristic:)
  @graph = graph
  @heuristic = heuristic

Public Instance Methods

find_path(start, goal) click to toggle source

Finds a path from the start node to the goal node.

Returns an array of nodes that form the path from the start node to the goal node. If no path is found, an empty array is returned.

# File lib/dragon_skeleton/pathfinding/a_star.rb, line 21
def find_path(start, goal)
  frontier =
  came_from = { start => nil }
  cost_so_far = { start => 0 }
  frontier.insert start, 0

  until frontier.empty?
    current = frontier.pop
    break if current == goal

    @graph[current].each do |edge|
      cost_to_neighbor = edge[:cost]
      total_cost_to_neighbor = cost_so_far[current] + cost_to_neighbor
      neighbor = edge[:to]
      next if cost_so_far.include?(neighbor) && cost_so_far[neighbor] <= total_cost_to_neighbor

      heuristic_value =, goal)
      priority = total_cost_to_neighbor + heuristic_value
      frontier.insert neighbor, priority
      came_from[neighbor] = current
      cost_so_far[neighbor] = total_cost_to_neighbor
  return [] unless came_from.key? goal

  result = []
  current = goal
  until current.nil?
    result.unshift current
    current = came_from[current]